Marco E. Bianchi
Francesco Blasi
Daniele D'Ambrosio
Manuel Fresno
Antonio Lanzavecchia
Federico Major Jr.
Paola Panina-Bordignon
Ruggero Pardi
Anne Ridley
Federica Sallusto
Francisco Sanchez-Madrid
›› Marcus Thelen
Bart Vanhaesebroeck
Marketa Zvelebil
Marcus Thelen

Selected Publications

1. Laux T, Fukami K, Thelen M, Golub T, Frey D, and Caroni P (2000) GAP43, MARCKS, and CAP23 modulate PI(4,5)P(2) at plasmalemmal rafts, and regulate cell cortex actin dynamics through a common mechanism. J Cell Biol, 149, 1455-1472.

2. Ogilvie P, Thelen S, Moepps B, Gierschik P, Da Silva Campos AC, Baggiolini M, and Thelen M (2004) Unusual chemokine receptor antagonism involving a mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. J Immunol, 172, 6715-6722.

3. Thelen M (2001) Dancing to the tune of chemokines. Nat. Immunol, 2, 129-134.

4. Tilton B, Ho L, Oberlin E, Loetscher P, Baleux F, Clark-Lewis I, and Thelen M (2000) Signal transduction by CXC chemokine receptor 4. Stromal cell-derived factor 1 stimulates prolonged protein kinase b and extracellular signal- regulated kinase 2 activation in t lymphocytes. J Exp Med, 192, 313-324.