Participating Institutions
Extensive information concerning the research, training and educational
activities of the participating institutions can be retrieved from the
dedicated institutional web sites. A temporary link
(http://www.main-noe.org/integramm) has been created to allow real time
access to both the institutions and the individual scientists’ academic
and scientific profiles. All participating Institutions have
longstanding experience in qualified training of and mentorship to
graduate students, both at the national and international level and
have long been recognized as leading Centers for biomedical research
world-wide. All Institutions have an international students’ branch in
their Graduate Studies offices, to facilitate integration and residency
of foreign students. The academic Institutional Coordinators of
INTEGRAMM (Prof. R. Pardi, Milan; Prof. A. Ridley, London; Prof. F.
Sanchez-Madrid, Madrid and Prof. A. Lanzavecchia, Bellinzona) all have
major responsibilities in their local graduate program organizations.
All the members of the Board of Teachers belonging to the academic
research Centers have formal academic appointments and previous
experience of graduate students’ mentoring, ranging from 8 (Passini) to
over 50 students (Blasi). BioXell SpA, the industrial partner in this
Consortium, has long been a component of the San Raffaele University
Graduate Programs and Biotechnology School’s curricular activities.<br>